27 Apr 2023
How is REEPRODUCE going to demonstrate the sorting of EoL e-motors containing Nd-based PMs?
REVAC is one of the Scandinavians biggest recyclers of WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) having recycling plants in Norway and Sweden. The Norwegian plant is by far the biggest and recycles 70 % of the total post-consumer waste electronics placed on the Norwegian market. The plant is top modern and meets all Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BAT and BREFs) regulations for now and the near future.
Within REEPRODUCE, REVAC will identify Nd-based magnets in HVAC compressors, bringing samples further in the project and register waste products reaching our recycling plant that contains Neodymium. Moreover, the sorting machine developed by partner Sens2Sort will be validated in their plant.
- What are your ambitions in contributing to stimulate a more sustainable Europe raw material value chain?
We aim to ensure EU access to a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials, contributing to this to be recycled in the future.
- As one of the largest companies in the treatment of WEEE in Norway, what are the main challenges you are facing today to recover critical raw materials from the WEEE?
The main challenge is to make the recovery economically sustainable compared to the value we bring out today.
- Apart from WEEE recycling, you are also experts on recycling cooling appliances, which raw materials can be recovered from these devices?
Cooling appliances gives us valuable secondary raw materials such as iron, aluminum, copper, and plastics that continue onwards into the circular economy as post-consumer secondary raw materials within the industries.
- In REEPRODUCE, how are you going to demonstrate the sorting of EoL e-motors containing Nd-based PMs on the sorting pilot sent by S2S?
We will test the pilot and demonstrate the possibilities to register, sort and hopefully recycle Nd based products in the future. \
Know more about REVAC here.

Recycling WEEE (©REVAC)